After nearly nine months of throwing out recyclables along with trash, recycling service will resume in Santa Rosa County around the end of September.
The service was on hold while awaiting construction of a $10.6 million Emerald Coast Utilities Authority recycling facility in Escambia County adjacent to the Perdido Landfill.
ECUA handles recyclables for Santa Rosa County and previously sent them to Infinitus Renewable Energy Park in Montgomery, Alabama. But that facility closed last year.
“ECUA plans to start accepting test loads in early September to train equipment operations and perform final adjustments to the recycling equipment. Recycling for Santa Rosa County is expected to resume completely in late September after ECUA completes the operator training and equipment adjustments,” stated Santa Rosa County Environmental Manager Ron Hixson.
In other county news: Navarre Beach leaseholders are celebrating the Santa Rosa County Commission’s unanimous rejection of a special assessment for the recently completely $15.5 million beach renourishment. At an August 23 public hearing the board unanimously voted to fund the entire roughly $4.2 million local share instead of asking islanders to fund a portion.
At their Aug. 25 regular meeting commissioners approved:
– Waiving pier entry fees October 1 and 2 in support of “Take A Kid Fishing” and “Navarre Fishing Rodeo” events. The board also decided to consider discounting annual pass fees at a later date.
– Applying for a BearWise Grant in the amount of $150,000 with a 100 percent matching contribution from the Environmental Department Enterprise Fund for a total budget of $300,000.
– A Contract with Bill Smith Electric, Inc. in the amount of $199,735.00 for Navarre Beach Well House No. 2 Electrical Upgrades.
– Paved road and drainage maintenance for Holley Hills, a 55-lot subdivision located on the north side of Randall Drive off Five Forks Road.
– Abatements at 5928 East Bay Blvd., Gulf Breeze, 5363 Pecos Pass and 1201 Ramblewood Dr.
– Using Capital Fund monies for installation of a $18,885 natural gas stand-by generator for the Clerk of the Court facilities at the courthouse by White Sands Electric, Inc.
– Awarding $29,374.23 to Pensacola Concrete Construction for stormwater pipe lining work adjacent to 9872 Andrew Court in Navarre.
The board’s August 25 rezoning meeting was canceled due to a lack of agenda items.