Florida House District 3 Representative Williamson yesterday requested that the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) begin the initial review process for considering the transfer of CR-197A (Woodbine Road) in Pace.
In the letter to FDOT Secretary Kevin J. Thibault, Williamson indicated that the jurisdictional transfer provides a potential means to secure state funds that will allow for vital improvements to Woodbine Road to support the infrastructure and growth of the area. Additionally, he cited the 2018 FDOT Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) reports for Woodbine Road of 18,700, which is a 13% increase since 2014.
“The numbers are expected to continue climbing. For reference as a comparative, the AADT counts reported 19,100 cars between C191A (Mulat Rd) and SR10 (US Hwy 90) on SR281 (Avalon Blvd.),” Williamson said.
According to 335.0415, F.S., and as outlined in the FDOT Jurisdictional Handbook (Aug. 2017), the road jurisdictional transfer process begins with preliminary negotiations between the local government entity (Santa Rosa County) and FDOT. This discussion includes the roadway’s purpose, limits as well any other additional considerations deemed necessary.
Williamson also sent a companion letter to Santa Rosa County Administrator Dan Schebler, urging the county to begin the conversation and consider the potential opportunities with the jurisdictional transfer of CR-197A.