Residents who live near construction of a new medical office building in Tiger Point protested on Monday along U.S. Highway 98 regarding the facility’s access points on Tiger Point Boulevard across from Oak Pointe subdivision, calling for the facility to have ingress and egress off Hwy. 98.
“We welcome Sacred Heart. We’re not opposed to it,” said Oak Pointe subdivision property owner Richard Brown, pointing out the citizens are concerned with the traffic the new facility will bring to Tiger Point Boulevard.
The facility is expected to be completed by July 2017.
Sacred Heart’s media spokesman Mike Burke issued a statement earlier this week regarding the traffic concerns stating there is a need for medical facilities in the south end of the county.
“We have outgrown our current primary care facility off Highway 98 at Tiger Point and see the need for additional comprehensive medical services in a growing community,” Burke said. “The land that we selected for the new medical building has been zoned for commercial use for many years. The developer’s plan for the site was presented to county planners and engineers who ensured that the project met all planning regulations and driveway spacing requirements.”
Upon learning about the concern from residents, Rep. Doug Broxson (R-Midway) sent a formal letter to Tommy Barfield at the Florida Department of Transportation requesting the agency look at other options for the facility entrance/exit.
“My office is requesting that you conduct an engineering survey to look at options that may be available for alleviating the concerns of residents in this area,” the letter stated, referencing the residents’ concerns.