Rotary Club of Navarre announced Wednesday that the organization’s Harmony Park project will be included in the Phase I redevelopment of Navarre Park, which is expected to begin in October, following a lengthy delay due to permitting issues.
Rotary’s Harmony Park will include high-quality outdoor musical instruments, sea-themed seating and sunshades. The park’s location will be visible to U.S. 98, beckoning locals, visitors and passers-by to enjoy the unique all-inclusive playground.
“We are so excited about this park, a highly visible, durable, fixture that will be around for years to come. It will be a venue for entertainment for folks of all ages and abilities,” said Jon Kagan, president of Rotary Club of Navarre. “Rotary Club of Navarre has been serving Navarre for 25 years and this park is the culmination of years of hard work by our Members who believe Service Above Self is more than a saying, it is a way of life.”
The durable, long-lasting outdoor musical instruments will be procured by the organization from industry leader Freenotes Harmony Park. The inclusive instruments are accessible to everyone regardless of age or musical experience.
“Music is the universal language of life that fosters human connection without words. As these beautiful instruments have no wrong notes, they provide enjoyment for people of all ages and abilities,” said Rotarian and Project Lead Kim Sulger.
For more information email Navarrerotary@gmail.com