Santa Rosa County’s debris hauling contractor starts clearing roadways today ahead of starting residential debris pickup on Thursday.
The contractor will be on the roads on Tues., Sept. 22 and Wed., Sept 23 cutting hanging limbs over the roads so trucks can pick up debris.
Once crews make a complete pass, two passes will be made to pick up extra debris – total of three passes. Residents will be notified before the final pass, per Santa Rosa County.
To help removal debris pickup operate as smoothly as possible, separate your debris as follows:
– normal household trash
– vegetative debris (please not bag leaves or vegetative debris – if you already have bagged the debris, per the county the bags will be picked up)
– construction/demolition debris
– appliances
– electronics
– household hazardous debris
The county’s debris pickup does not include the incorporated cities of Milton (www.miltonfl.org) and Gulf Breeze (www.cityofgulfbreeze.us). See those municipality web sites for their debris pickup plans.
Crews will begin by picking up vegetative debris first. Please cut logs less than 8 feet long. Vegetative debris cannot be mixed with treated lumber, fencing, construction or demolition debris.
Place separated debris beside the roadway where crews can easily access. Do not stack debris under power lines, low-hanging limbs, near mailboxes, fire hydrants, water meters, etc. or in ditches
Crews are not allowed to go on to private property to remove debris.
Pickup will be from dawn to dusk and vehicles.
Santa Rosa County residents (not commercial haulers/landscapers) may also bring vegetative debris at no cost to Central Landfill until further notice.
Questions? Call 850-626-0191.