Currently persons at risk for COVID-19 include:
- Someone who traveled to or from an affected geographic area* with widespread community transmission and has fever (including subjective fever) and symptoms of lower respiratory illness (for example cough, shortness of breath) *As of 3/4/2020 countries affected include China, South Korea, Japan, Italy and Iran. Visit CDC Coronavirus Travel for updates.
- Someone with close contact with a laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 symptomatic patient and has fever (including subjective) or symptoms of lower respiratory illness (for example cough, shortness of breath).
If a person thinks they have COVID-19, they should call their health care provider before going to their office so the provider can take precautions to prevent exposing other people. Review your signs, symptoms and travel history with your physician. Your physician will evaluate you for other possible causes of respiratory illness and also contact the county health department to access COVID-19 testing. If you are without health insurance or a health care provider, please contact your county health department so the health department can coordinate your medical evaluation and testing.
Most people with confirmed COVID-19 infection reportedly have mild to moderate respiratory illness and can be managed at home in coordination with your provider and your local health department. Persons with severe illness may be hospitalized.
To prevent the spread of germs, it is important for everyone to cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing and to wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Also stay home when you are sick with a respiratory illness and avoid sick people if you are well.
The Florida Department of Health is continuously working with our partners to ensure everyone is prepared in the eventuality of infectious disease spread. Additional efforts at the local level can be found here: http://www.floridahealth.gov/diseases-and-conditions/COVID-19/chd/index.html