SANTA ROSA INSIDER: NPA Kline was Registered Democrat until June 2023

Posted on October 16, 2024 by EDITORIAL BOARD

Kline speaking during the 2018 “March for Our Lives” protest in Gulf Breeze

Kim Kline was a registered Democrat who changed to NPA in June 2023 before running for Florida House District 2 seat, challenging Republican State Representative Alex Andrade.

Here’s Kline’s party affiliation history per the Santa Rosa County Supervisor of Elections Office. She’s trying to trick people into believing she’s not a liberal: 

  • 10/1/04 (reg. date) Democrat for 8 years 6 months
  • 4/2/13 NPA for 4 years 7 months 6 days
  • 11/9/17 Democrat for 6 months 12 days
  • 5/22/18 NPA for 1 year 2 months 7 days
  • 7/30/19 Democrat for 3 years 10 months 7 days
  • 6/7/23 NPA so far for 1 year, 4 months 3 days

But what concerns me most about Kline is how she led debate students at Gulf Breeze High School in the 2018 “March for Our Lives” protest. 

“On the issue of gun violence, we have failed you miserably,” Kline told the “March for Our Lives” audience. “We have failed you through our silence, and we have failed you through our apathy.” Kline went on to tell the younger generation to “Take the lead, take the floor, make a stand, and change things for the better.” Kline also stated, “For any adults out there who try to silence these kids or dissaude them from their political activism, don’t you dare!”

After speaking for an hour, students and protestors left Gulf Breeze High School, walking to Pensacola Bay Bridge and back, carrying protest signs, reading “Close the Gun Show Loophole” and “Students Demand Action.”

The supermajority of voters in Santa Rosa County remain Conservative and many are staunchly 2A advocates. Andrade was the only local state legislator to earn an A+ rating from the NRA. Meanwhile, Kline gets an endorsement from the state teacher’s union. The contrasts are revealing.

Don’t turn Santa Rosa purple! If you see someone supporting Kline, it’s a good indicator they lean liberal and are not a genuine Conservative. 

Andrade has handily wiped with the floor with Kline during debates, especially when it came down to discussing insurance, so it’s no surprise Kim chickened out of Monday’s scheduled debate, which is entertaining, considering her background as a debate coach.  

Bottomline: Let’s re-elect Andrade. He’s an authentic Conservative and proven himself to be one of the most effective leaders the Panhandle has ever sent to Tallahassee. Oh, and he doesn’t back down from a debate.