More revelations are coming out of City Hall during the final week of work for outgoing City Manager Scott Collins…
Come to find out, Collins and his wife already have a consulting firm up and running. https://collinsmunicipalresources.com/who-we-are
But Collins may have been a bit premature in talking to others about doing consultant work after leaving the manager’s post because there doesn’t seem to be much council support to hire him back in any capacity.
Was Collins banking on derailing retired City Manager Randy Jorgenson’s comeback on an interim basis with his Feb. 15 “the sky is falling” financial presentation during the council’s work session?
A trio of senior staffers, during a special called meeting immediately after that session, refuted information Collins presented and voiced their support for Jorgenson.
According to Public Works Director Joe Cook, a suggestion to pipe 1 million gallons of raw sewage from the City’s existing treatment plant in downtown Milton to Pace Water System for processing isn’t feasible because necessary upgrades can’t take place at the site due to adjacent wetlands. “I don’t see that as an option,” Cook said, pointing out that although Collins claimed it would cost about $10 million to build the pipeline, it might be closer to $25 million because of the length of pipeline, plus the need for lift stations. Not to mention recurring costs.
Milton’s Chief Financial Officer Curtis Krebs made no bones about it. He told the council outright that he disagreed with the information Collins presented.
But Sandra Woodberry, the city’s grant writer, made the most impassioned plea, telling the council that she knew why Collins’ numbers differed from her figures. Per Woodberry, he had not only included improvements to the Sundial Utilties plant in Bagdad but also combined Phases I & II of the four-phase North Santa Rosa Regional Reclamation Facility project, making it seem the City was in dire straits. Woodberry says that even with the worst-case scenario, the city will be ok.
“In no way, what so ever (SIC), under any interpretation, have I made any overture to do so,” Collins told South Santa Rosa News over whether or not he’s been angling for any further work with the City.
We think that after Collins gets out of City Hall there will be instant improvement. He’s been wishy washy since the get go.
Don’t let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya!
Read more about Collins’ track record: https://ttowntruthseeker.com/2022/12/24/changes-for-the-former-czar-of-t-towns-sister-city/