Kirstie Ennis, a Milton High School graduate and combat-wounded veteran, attracted global attention during her recent attempt to scale Mt. Everest as an amputee. Her expedition had to turn back at 28,490 feet, just 539 feet from the summit, but she’s determined to make a second attempt in 2021.
Ennis via video message posted Sunday afternoon said they ran out of oxygen and time, stating it was rough and one of the scariest things she’s ever done.
“I gave Everest hell, and she gave it right back,” Ennis said.
According to Ennis, the group had to turn around for safety. “Tough call being so close to the top, but it wasn’t worth anyone’s injury or death. God bless the ten lives lost this season in the Himalayas already.”
Ennis also had a message for those who didn’t think she could make it as far as she did.
“And to all the naysayers and those who said an above knee amputee wouldn’t make it past camp 2 (20,997 ft). I got your camp 2, the next two camps, and another +2200 meters in my back pocket,” she said.
Ennis said she’ll be back on Everest in 2021 for round two.
She’s planning to climb the highest peaks on all seven continents and the North and South Poles. In 2017 she became the first female above-the-knee amputee to tackle Mt. Kilimanjaro, the highest point in Africa.
She established the Kirstie Ennis Foundation, which aims to provide education and opportunity in the outdoors and to support other non-profits dedicated to improving the quality of life of individuals and families.
For more information on Ennis and her effort to visit