Santa Rosa Schools Superintendent issues letter to parents

Posted on March 24, 2020 by Staff reports

Dear Parents,

I have been an educator for 35 years and Superintendent of Schools for nearly 12. Never have I needed your help more than I need it now. Santa Rosa District Schools are strong because we have talented teachers and administrators, support staff that serve in magical ways and parents who genuinely care about not just your child, but all children. This is what makes us strong and this is what will carry us through the next few weeks. We have been charged with the impossible task of teaching our students and yet they sit miles away from us. Teachers everywhere are needing to see and interact with you and your child. Teachers NEED this and “things” will not return to normal until your students sit in front of them!

I want to take a minute to share some important news with you concerning how we will deliver instruction to your student. This is where I need your help. You see, we simply do not have all the answers to meeting the needs of student we can’t see daily and it grieves us. But, by next week teachers will begin to contact you and your child about how instruction will look. We desperately need your help in doing the following:

  1. Make yourself and your child familiar with the instructional assignments provided by each teacher.SRCDS Distance Learning Logo
  2. Spend some time talking with your child about their work.
  3. Make yourself familiar with resources available to help you work through materials with your child. Parents can access instructional resources through SRC Homepage. Look for “Distance Learning Resources” icon.
  4. Contact your child teacher(s) through email or calling the school. They are on call from 8 am until 3:30 pm to serve your needs.
  5. Reassure your child – regardless of age. Their social and emotional needs are an important part of this work.

We are and will always be your local school and will always work together to meet the needs of our students and we are thrilled to partner with you as we work through this event. For additional assistance or just to ask a question, please send an email to:


Warmly, Tim