Santa Rosa County School Superintendent Tim Wyrosdick today announced he will ask the school board to vote Thursday on requiring students who return to the classroom August 24 to wear face masks at certain times during the school day.
Wyrosdick said all details have not yet been worked out but that if approved students would be required to wear masks on school buses and in areas where social distancing cannot be practiced, such as entering or leaving a cafeteria. He stressed that students would not be required to wear masks all day.
Additionally, Wyrosdick stated the district is still working on procedures for some potential scenarios amid the COVID-19 pandemic. He expects to host a follow-up press conference to discuss those.
In the meantime, the district has been working on the following employee guidelines for work environment “return-to-work” scenarios:
Based on recommendations from the Surgeon General and the local health department, employees will be required to wear a mask. Masks must be worn anytime the 6-foot social distancing recommendation cannot be followed, when transitioning to and from their assigned work area or when assigned to work in a common area. The District will be providing the initial cloth masks to employees to meet this requirement. Employees may choose to wear their own with prior approval from their supervisor.
1. Employees should self-monitor with the below screening questions:
Ask yourself the following questions prior to entering the building:
A. Any signs or symptoms of cough, sore throat, diarrhea, fatigue or muscle aches?
B. Have you recently lost your sense of smell or taste?
C. Do you have a fever or have had fever in the last 72 hours?
D. Have you had contact with someone who is sick with a flu like illness?
If you answer YES to any of the above questions do not enter the building. Contact your supervisor and follow the guidelines below:
Question #A: Employees should stay home until they are symptom free for 72 hours before returning to work.
Question #B: Employee should seek medical attention if this is a new development.
Question #C: Employee should stay home until symptom free without medication for 72 hours before returning to work.
Question #D: Employee should self-monitor but can come to work.
2. What if an employee tests Positive for COVID-19?
A. If an employee tests positive for COVID-19 they must self-isolate in compliance with requirements from the local health department and must provide a release to return to work from their health care provider or the local health department.
3. What are the guidelines for an employee who? (any employees experiencing the following shall wear a
mask at all time)
A. Has had direct contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 (at work or home)?
They are to self-monitor for developing symptoms (see #1) and contact their health care provider or the local health department if symptoms develop.
B. Has had indirect contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19 (at work or home)? They are to self-monitor for developing symptoms (see #1) and contact their health care provider or the local health department if symptoms develop.
C. Has had contact with someone who is awaiting test results for COVID-19 (at work or home)? They are to self-monitor for developing symptoms (see #1) and contact their health care provider or the local health department if symptoms develop.
D. Is awaiting results themselves for COVID-19? If tested due to being symptomatic the employee must self-isolate in compliance with requirements from the local health department while awaiting results of test. A release to return to work from their health care provider or the local health department will be required.
If electively tested (not symptomatic), always continue to self-monitor and wear a mask while at work.
4. Supervisors may send employees home if they are suspected to be a health risk to others at which time
the employees will follow the guidelines specified in item 1 above.
A. Employees returning to work but are still suspected of being a health risk to others will be sent
home, encouraged to be tested and required to get clearance from their health care provider or the
local health department to return to work.
B. Employees can be referred to the local health for testing and return to work clearances.
5. What type of Leave is an employee entitled to?
A. Any Leave taken prior to an active COVID-19 diagnosis is charged to the employee’s available leave or will be approved without pay pending proper medical documentation.
B. All leave must be entered into the electronic system charged to the employee.
C. Employees may continue to take earned leave for illness including COVID-19.
D. Any Leave taken as a result of an active COVID-19 diagnosis may qualify for Families First Corona Virus Act or Extended FMLA (please contact HR). It will require an application and documentation (see the FFCRA information on the District Home Page). This will be the only potential paid leave available to the employee that is not paid as a result of leave already earned by an employee.
E. Approved Unpaid Leave will be limited based upon medical documentation of a necessity to selfquarantine or self-isolation.
All employees must wear a mask unless they are able to socially distance.
All employees should be at work unless they have tested positive for COVID-19 or are symptomatic. In these instances, the employee must take Leave and it is charged to the employee.
In the instance of a positive test, they have the option of applying for Families First Corona Virus Act Leave.