The Santa Rosa County school district is hosting a event called “Teaching Spots and Flip Flops” in March in an attempt to hire more teachers for the 2017-2018 school year.
Those interested in securing a teaching position for the upcoming school year are invited to attend the hiring fair, which will take place on Saturday, March 11 from 9 a.m. to noon at Holley-Navarre Intermediate School. The school is located at 1936 Navarre School Road in Navarre.
The event will provide an opportunity to learn more about Santa Rosa County schools, meet teachers, administrators, and even have a screening interview that could lead to an on-the-spot job offer.
District experts are prepared to offer support with: benefits, application process, salary placement, certification and hiring eligibility with those with non-teaching degrees.
Director of Human Resources, Liz West, and her team created this event to coincide with Spring Break vacationers.
“Santa Rosa County School District is excited about our first annual Teacher Job Fair! We have had applicants from New York to California register for the event and have had an overwhelming response,” West said.
Those attending are asked to register online at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/teaching-spots-and-flip-flops-tickets-31644900750. Please bring (if available); resume transcripts and teaching certificate. Dress is business casual.
For questions about the event, contact West at weste@santarosa.k12.fl.us.
Want to attend?
The teacher hiring event is being held on Saturday, March 11 from 9 a.m. to noon. The event will take place at Holley-Navarre Intermediate School located at 1936 Navarre School Road in Navarre. Those attending are asked to register online at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/teaching-spots-and-flip-flops-tickets-31644900750. For more information, contact Liz West at weste@santarosa.k12.fl.us.