Public invited to second open house for District 4 master plan
Help create a cohesive vision for future development
Santa Rosa County invites the public to attend the second District 4 Master Plan Open House on Mon., June 11 between 5:30 and 9 p.m. at the Navarre High School cafeteria, 8600 High School Blvd., Navarre, to review land use alternatives prepared using the input collected from the community. Feedback collected at this event will help determine a preferred land use alternative for the future of District 4.
Participants will be guided through stations that present the potential land use alternatives for District 4. Input will be collected from participants to guide development of the master plan. Members of the consultant master plan development team will be on hand to take comments and answer questions.
For more information, visit or contact Cynthia Cannon at 850-981-7078