Christina Andrus, pictured with West Navarre Primary Principal BJ Price, is one of five semifinalists in the running for Santa Rosa County’s Teacher of the Year
The Santa Rosa Education Foundation has announced the five semifinalists selected from 33 school nominees for Santa Rosa Teacher of the Year. Congratulations to April Ballard, S.S. Dixon Intermediate; Erin Cosky, Gulf Breeze High; Mark Sargent, Santa Rosa High; Christina Andrus, West Navarre Primary; Joshua Odom, Woodlawn Beach Middle.
The SREF Teacher of the Year Selection Committee, which consists of administrators, business and community leaders, parents, and previous Santa Rosa Teachers of the Year, will observe the semifinalists in their classrooms and conduct interviews before selecting three finalists.
The Santa Rosa Teacher of the Year will be announced on Wednesday, January 24, 2018. All nominees will be recognized at Santa Rosa’s Golden Apple Awards celebrating all Santa Rosa teachers on March 2, 2018. For sponsorship information, please contact SREF at 983-5043 or