Senator Doug Broxson (R- Gulf Breeze) announced May 31 that the widening of SR 30 (US 98) for approximately 4 miles in Santa Rosa has been funded for final design and construction in Fiscal Year 2020. The project will consist of widening SR 30 (US 98) from a 4-lane facility to a 6-lane facility.
“I am pleased to announce that FDOT will begin the six lane-widening project from Bayshore Road to Portside Drive,” stated Senator Broxson. “Special thanks to former FDOT Sec. Mike Dew, who made this commitment to our office during his tenure, and to District Sec. Phillip Gainer, who continued the commitment to Santa Rosa County. This vital project will drastically improve safety and traffic flow in South Santa Rosa County. “
The rural roadway will be converted to an urban typical section with curb and gutter. This improvement will include the construction of an extensive storm water system including ponds.
This project has been ongoing for many years and we are excited to see the next phase of it begin. Preliminary design is being finalized and right of way acquisition is complete. The project will be completed using a design build contract to include the development of the final design and construction activities. FDOT will have an extensive utility coordination effort with our utility partners to expedite the required relocations efficiently. A public hearing is being scheduled for late June 2019 to present the improvements along the corridor.
“It is my hope to work with the Federal Government in completing this expansion through the Gulf Islands National Seashore to join the six lane construction of the Pensacola Bay Bridge.”
The estimated budget amount being added to the project is approximately $69.6 million. This includes finalizing the design and completing the construction. FDOT anticipates opening bids on the design build contract in Spring of 2020.