Emerald Coast Exceptional Families is hosting their first ever Special Needs Trunk-or-Treat on Saturday, October 28th from 4:00-7:00 in Harvest Village, Navarre. All ages of special needs children and their families are welcome! Costumes are optional but encouraged. To RSVP, please visit our website at www.emeraldcoastexceptionalfamilies.org.
For many special needs families, traditional trick-or-treating is very difficult. Sensory issues, fear of the dark, and lack of restroom/changing facilities prohibit many families from even attempting it. Our event will allow all special needs children the experience of trick-or-treating in a fun, safe, accepting environment. We are blessed to be sponsored by Across the Board Therapy Group and Spectrum House Autism Center, Navarre.
Local organizations, businesses, school groups, and individuals are hosting trunks for this event. Sponsoring a trunk is easy and fun! All you have to do is:
• Decorate a vehicle trunk in a fun, non-scary theme. We have tons of ideas on our Pinterest board! Plus, our families will be voting for their favorite trunk.
• Have volunteers to man your trunk during the event. They will pass out goodies and interact with the families.
• Provide candy and non-edible treats for the children. We estimate that there will be around 200 children, and will keep you updated as people register for the event.
To become a trunk provider, please visit our website at http://www.emeraldcoastexceptionalfamilies.org/special-needs-trunk-or-treat-2017 or give us a call by October 20th. If you would like to help, but cannot do a trunk, you can always donate extra candy or nonedible treats. You can drop it off at Across the Board Therapy Group or Spectrum House in Harvest Village or call us and we’ll pick it up!
About ECEF: Emerald Coast Exceptional Families is a local nonprofit for all special needs families. Our mission is to connect and support special needs and enrich their lives through events and education. For more information, please visit our website at www.emeraldcoastexceptionalfamilies.org.