Santa Rosa County District Schools Superintendent Tim Wyrosdick will be the featured speaker at the Greater Navarre Beach Area Chamber of Commerce’s monthly breakfast, which will take place at 8 a.m., Friday, January 13 at the Navarre Conference Center. The conference center is located at 8700 Navarre Parkway in Navarre.
The cost for the breakfast will be $10 for members and $15 for non-members. Anyone interested in hearing Wyrosdick speak or interested in joining the Chamber is welcome to attend the breakfast or any future Chamber breakfast.
Door prizes will be given away at the breakfast, so don’t miss out on the opportunity for some awesome finds!
RSVP is required if you do not register online. The deadline to do so is Wednesday, January 11 at noon.
To RSVP for the breakfast, please email rsvp@greaternavarrechamber.com by noon on January 11.