Floridians should hit the stores starting Friday, August 5 to take advantage of Florida’s tax-free holiday ahead of the upcoming school year.
The 3-day Back-to-School Sales Tax Holiday is geared to help Floridians save more of their hard-earned dollars with tax free shopping on selected items. The tax-free holiday will run from August 5 – August 7.
Florida families can save on clothing, footwear, and school supplies during the tax-free holiday.
During this sales tax holiday period, Florida law directs that no sales tax or local option tax (also known as discretionary sales surtax) will be collected on purchases of certain items.
Items that are tax-free eligible
– Clothing, footwear, and certain accessories selling for $60 or less per item
– Certain school supplies selling for $15 or less per item.
Items that are not eligible during tax free holiday
– Any item of clothing selling for more than $60
– Any school supply item selling for more than $15
– Books that are not otherwise exempt
– Personal computers and computer-related accessories;
– Rentals or leases of any of these items
– Repairs or alterations of any of these items
– Sales of clothing or school supplies in a theme park, entertainment complex, public lodging establishment, or airport
For more information about the back-to-school tax holiday, and for a complete list of tax-exempt items, please visit the Department of Revenue website at http://dor.myflorida.com/.