A tire blowout on a dump truck sent four people to the hospital last Thursday after the truck driver lost control and hit a vehicle with three people inside in Navarre.
Eeic Tople, from Tennessee was driving the 1990 Ford dump truck west on East Bay Boulevard around 10 a.m. when his tire blew out. The incident caused Tople to lose control of the truck and he swerved to avoid hitting a vehicle heading eastbound driven by Richard Law, 20, of Navarre.
Law swerved to the southbound shoulder to avoid impact, but was struck by the dump truck. The left front of the dump truck collided with the left side of the four door sedan.
Both the driver and two passengers in the sedan were transported to area hospitals with serious injuries, according to the report. Tople was transported to Gulf Breeze Hospital with serious injuries after the truck tipped over on its side after the collision. Charges have not been brought upon the truck driver at this time.