The Holley-Navarre Senior Center was struck by vandals who busted up picnic tables and damaged a shuffleboard court area.
“It is too bad that people in our community would do damage to the Senior’s property,” said Margaret Russell, who handles publicity for the nonprofit organization.
According to Russell, the center does not receive any operating funds from the county, state or federal government.
“The property is completely maintained by the seniors, who depend on fundraisers and donations,” she said, pointing out, “These repairs are not in the budget.”
Navarre resident Chanda Ryan was a member of Leadership Santa Rosa Class 28, which raised $10,000 for the Senior Center. “I am really sad to hear about the vandalism to the Holley-Navarre Senior Center,” she said.
Ryan said a fellow class member, Shon Owens of Jay, built the picnic tables for the center because it had been on the organization’s “wish list.”
“Our class was especially excited that this was the first Leadership project that was benefiting an organization in the South part of Santa Rosa County,” Ryan said.
Fortunately, the Navarre Area Board of Realtors has stepped in to help. “The Board (approved) $500 to cover the cost of repairs,” said NABOR Association Executive Angela Campbell.
Sgt. Rich Aloy, spokesman for Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office said, depending upon the amount of damages, the suspect(s) could face felony charges. “There are also statutes to protect seniors,” he said, noting criminal mischief charges could also apply.
If you have any information related to this crime, contact Crime Stoppers at 850-437-7867.