A project to deploy deepwater “nearshore” artificial reefs has been tentatively scheduled to begin the week of August 13 and will be undertaken by Orange Beach, Alabama contractor Walter Marine. The reefs will be installed in permitted artificial reef area SR-27, located approximately one mile off Navarre Beach. Over 500 modules will be deployed to create 27 individual reef sites, or patch reefs. Reef types will include 15’ tall large tetrahedrons (also known as “super reefs”), 8’ tall tetrahedron pyramids, and 6’ tall ledge and disk modules (also know as “grouper boxes”). Once in place, the reefs will provide enhanced long-term recreational fishing and diving opportunities.
The entire project will take place over several deployments (currently estimated at 12) through December 2018. The project progress and schedule is dependent on weather and water conditions. The $1.2 million project is the second and final phase of a major project funded with Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Early Restoration funds from the 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. For more information, contact Grants and Special Programs Director Sheila Fitzgerald, 850-981-2016.