After five absences during 2023, Erin Lloyd-Crumbley is resigning her appointment to the Santa Rosa County Zoning Board. Her resignation is effective December 31.
“After careful consideration, I have come to the conclusion that I am no longer able to devote the necessary time and attention that this position requires. It is only fair to the board and the community that someone else who can fully commit themselves to this role takes my place,” Crumbley stated in her resignation letter.
Crumbley is a realtor who has co-owned The Vine Wine Bar in Navarre with her husband since mid-2020.
According to Santa Rosa County Planning & Zoning Director Shawn Ward, any appointee who misses three regular meetings during a period of twelve consecutive months could be considered to be asked to submit their resignation. County records show Crumbley missed four regular meetings and a Land Development Code workshop.
It’s the second resignation this year by a south Santa Rosa County appointee, following the September 2023 resignation of Tracy Bragg, who was serving as Vice Chairwoman of the zoning board at the time. Bragg told South Santa Rosa News she received a promotion at work which caused her to miss four meetings due to work travel and one meeting due to a family emergency.
Bragg was replaced by at-large designee Mark Locklin, who so far has perfect attendance after two meetings.
2023 attendance records for the zoning board’s other appointees reveals that out of 12 scheduled meetings plus two Land Development Code workshops:
- Ed Carson attended 13
- Chris Grimes attended 10
- Gage Holland attended 12
- Alan Isaacson attended 12
- Joe McConnell attended 9
- Derrick Sammons attended 10
- Anna Weaver attended 10
- Aaron Williams attended 14
The Zoning Board considers Variance, Special Exception, Conditional Use and Rezoning requests. The Zoning Board has the authority to grant Variances and Special Exceptions. Since Conditional Use and Rezoning requests require two public hearings, the Zoning Board provides a recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners for final determination. Members are not paid to serve on the board.
“Attendance is important because the larger the group the more likely we will come to a good decision,” said Ed Carson, a District 1 appointee. “We all have varying ideas and a good decision is a consensus of the board. Sending a decision made by 8-10 folks should give the (Board of County Commissioners) a good indication of what the citizens want.”
The zoning board has regular monthly meetings on the second Thursday each month. The next meeting will take place January 11, 2024.
Santa Rosa County Commissioners are expected to discuss appointing an at-large member to fill the vacancy created by Crumbley’s resignation during their Monday, Jan. 8 committee meeting.