Former Democratic Candidate Rebekah Jones, who suffered a landslide defeat in her 2022 bid against Congressman Matt Gaetz (R), today pled no contest in a cyberstalking/sexual cyberharassment case in which she was accused of posting “revenge porn” against a former lover whom she believes to be the father of her child.
As part of her sentence, Jones must pay $223 in court costs and $50 in prosecution fees, complete one year of probation and avoid contact with the victim. Additionally, she must also complete a Victim Awareness Program and Batterers Intervention Program.
According to legal documents, the victim submitted a June 12, 2019 online report in reference to harassment and “revenge porn.” In the report, the victim advised an injunction he had against Jones had expired and that she had begun emailing him about her child, which she believes is his, threatening to bring the child to Englewood, where he now resides.
He also reported receiving calls from the Florida Department of Health, where Jones was working at the time. She was later fired from FDOH.
The victim reported that a website contained a narrative explaining private details of their relationship, including texts and naked pictures of him, and that Jones had posted the website to his employer’s Instagram account and shared it with some of his family members.
Subsequently, Jones was charged with two first-degree misdemeanor counts of Cyberstalking and a first-degree misdemeanor count of Sexual Cyberharassment.
Jones avoided trial by pleading guilty in a deferred prosecution agreement back in December 2022. Read more about that case: https://ssrnews.com/rebekah-jones-avoids-trial-admits-guilt-in-plea-deal/