Calkins Wins Unanimous Board Support to “Kill” Shark Fishing Restrictions on Navarre Beach

Posted on July 11, 2023 by Romi White

  • Calkins Wins Unanimous Board Support to “Kill” Shark Fishing Restrictions on Navarre Beach

    Santa Rosa County District 3 Commissioner James Calkins on Monday received unanimous support from fellow board members to “kill” a staff-led effort to impose certain fishing restrictions on Navarre Beach. Dozens of local anglers, including Santa Rosa County Tax Collector Stan Colie Nichols, pictured at the podium, showed up during public forum to ask the … read more

  • OPINION: Cook Made the Right Call to Put Brakes on Fishing Restrictions

    Posted on July 7, 2023 by EDITORIAL BOARD

  • OPINION: Cook Made the Right Call to Put Brakes on Fishing Restrictions

    Proposed fishing restrictions were quietly moving forward under the guise of “designated swimming areas”   This afternoon the Santa Rosa County Board of County Commissioners issued a news release, putting the brakes on plans by staff to restrict certain fishing for eight months out of each year on MOST of the  Gulf of Mexico shoreline along … read more

  • Local Aviator Celebrates 30 Years as Air Boss of the 2023 Pensacola Beach Air Show

    Posted on July 5, 2023 by Staff reports

  • Local Aviator Celebrates 30 Years as Air Boss of the 2023 Pensacola Beach Air Show

    The Santa Rosa Island Authority is thrilled to announce that local naval aviator and retired Marine Corps Major Paul Entrekin is celebrating his 30th season as Air Boss of the Pensacola Beach Air Show this year. Have you ever wondered who controls the schedule for all the aerial acts, mass formations, high-speed jet demonstrations and … read more

  • County Commissioners Take No Action on Resolution to Remove Porn from Schools

    Posted on June 22, 2023 by Romi White

  • County Commissioners Take No Action on Resolution to Remove Porn from Schools

    Local Dad Ryan Fowler covered his son’s ears while a citizen during today’s Santa Rosa County Commission public forum read sexually explicit material she wants removed from access by Santa Rosa County School students.  Santa Rosa County District 3 Commissioner James Calkins this morning asked fellow board members to consider a resolution asking Santa Rosa … read more

  • A Truth Finder in Paradise – June 2023

    Posted on June 21, 2023 by Staff reports

  • A Truth Finder in Paradise – June 2023

    For this month’s column we’re taking a deep dive into Santa Rosa County’s allocations for District 4 (Navarre) Parks & Recreation over the past four years, focusing on youth sports. A review of requested county data showed Capacity Improvements and Park Improvements for 2020-2023 in District 4 totaled $6,121,800, surpassing the other five districts by … read more

  • Tourism Survey Results Show More Shopping #1 Request

    Posted on June 19, 2023 by Romi White

  • Tourism Survey Results Show More Shopping #1 Request

    The Santa Rosa County Tourist Development Office recently sought public input on how future capital funding dollars should be expended, and the most sought amenity is for a small boardwalk with open-air shops for local vendors and artists.  The online survey ended June 1 and 1,695 people ranked 7 allowable options per Florida State Statutes, … read more

  • Boat Captain says Commissioner Smith was “Dishonest” when Removing Him from Advisory Role

    Posted on June 19, 2023 by Romi White

  • Boat Captain says Commissioner Smith was “Dishonest” when Removing Him from Advisory Role

    Captain Pasco Gibson, former chairman of the Santa Rosa County Marine Advisory Committee, spoke out during this morning’s Santa Rosa County Commission meeting, stating he did not resign from the position and was surprised District 2 Commissioner Kerry Smith had removed him after more than 15 years on the unpaid, volunteer committee. Gibson said he … read more

  • County Pauses Approval for Additional Vendor Trucks on Navarre Beach

    Posted on June 13, 2023 by Staff reports

  • County Pauses Approval for Additional Vendor Trucks on Navarre Beach

    There are existing truck/trailer vendors at both properties displayed in the graphic. The new requests seek to put additional truck/trailer vendors at the sites. Santa Rosa County has delayed approval of two applications for vendor trucks on Navarre Beach in order to review site plans. Both requests seek to add additional vendor trucks on parcels … read more

  • Trump Supporters Plan Local Road Rally on Wednesday

    Posted on June 12, 2023 by Staff reports

  • Trump Supporters Plan Local Road Rally on Wednesday

    A Trump Road Rally Parade will take place Wednesday, June 14, which will be former U.S. President Donald J. Trump’s 77th birthday. The event is being organized by Locals for Trump and Santa Rosa County for President Trump, two local area grass roots organizations supporting Trump. Samuel T. Mullins, former chairman of the Santa Rosa … read more

  • Former Democratic Congressional Candidate Sentenced to One-Year Probation in Revenge Porn Case

    Posted on June 7, 2023 by Romi White

  • Former Democratic Congressional Candidate Sentenced to One-Year Probation in Revenge Porn Case

    Former Democratic Candidate Rebekah Jones, who suffered a landslide defeat in her 2022 bid against Congressman Matt Gaetz (R),  today pled no contest in a cyberstalking/sexual cyberharassment case in which she was accused of posting “revenge porn” against a former lover whom she believes to be the father of her child. As part of her … read more