United Way of West Florida (UWWF) is postponing its 28th Annual Day of Caring event until October 2021 due to COVID-19. However, the agency plans to move forward with a virtual Day of Caring on February 5.
The agency says now more than ever, nonprofits and schools need tools and supplies to serve our community.
Therefore, businesses, organizations, and individuals are invited to form a volunteer group, no later than January 29, to help complete a school’s or nonprofit’s wish list.
From January 25-29, volunteer groups can sign-up for a wish list by visiting http://www.uwwf.org/dayofcaring
Each group will receive a confirmation email, so they can connect with their nonprofit or school to discuss COVID-19 safety protocols and delivery details. Delivery of these items will take place from February 15 to March 1.
Additionally, from February 15 to March 1, UWWF will host the Day of Caring Most Spirited Contest. Volunteer Groups are invited to participate by sending UWWF photos of their group delivering items to their assigned school or nonprofit and using the hashtag #850caringandahalf. Contest winners will have their picture and business logo featured on UWWF’s social media cover photos for two weeks and be featured on the Day of Caring webpage for the remainder of 2021.
For more information on how to get involved, contact Jackie Gardiner, UWWF Volunteer Engagement Manager, at (850) 912-8176 or by emailing jackie.gardiner@uwwf.org.