Proposal could give golf course a facelift

Proposal could give golf course a facelift
The City of Gulf Breeze is looking to take a swing at getting public input on a FEMA Alternative Project that could help the city purchase equipment to better maintain Tiger Point Golf Course and other city properties. The city was slated to receive a little over $500,000 from FEMA due to damages incurred during … read more
GBPD: Additional funds needed for more presence on 98

GBPD: Additional funds needed for more presence on 98
City of Gulf Breeze Police Chief Robert Randle is looking for a leg up from the city to help his department keep up enforcement in the city limits for the remainder of the fiscal year. On Wednesday, at the city’s Executive Committee meeting, the city discussed giving the department $10,000 from the city’s Red Light … read more
Candidates have their say

Candidates have their say
The Santa Rosa Women’s Republican Club hosted a June 28 candidates forum for the Republican candidates for Santa Rosa County Sheriff at the Club at Hidden Creek in Navarre. Candidates Bob Johnson and Robert “Robby” Way attended the forum, where the two men were given an opportunity to answer questions from the club and also … read more
Police force could get body cameras

Police force could get body cameras
The City of Gulf Breeze could dish out money to provide body cameras for its police officers after a formal request was made by the city’s Police Chief to obtain the devices. Within the past several years, numerous law enforcement agencies around the nation have worked to obtain body cameras that they make their officers … read more
Great Britain made a change. Should we?

Great Britain made a change. Should we?
It is such a turbulent time in the political world right now. Great Britain’s citizens have made a decision that will change their lives. A referendum — a vote in which everyone (or nearly everyone) of voting age can take part – was held on Thursday June 23rd, to decide whether the UK should leave … read more
Lights out

Lights out
Two traffic signals in the City of Gulf Breeze could be placed in flash mode to reduce traffic congestion thanks to a request from City Manager Edwin “Buz” Eddy. Eddy sent a formal request to city council members and Mayor Matt Dannheisser last week requesting that the signal at the intersection of Daniel Drive and … read more
Community comes together for Kaden

Community comes together for Kaden
The generosity along the Gulf Coast is starting to become second nature for Leah Cortello, who has an adopted son who struggles with a developmental disability. So far this year, people in Santa Rosa and Okaloosa counties have come together to donate time and supplies for her son, Kaden Grizzard, who suffers from Dandy Walker … read more
FDOT to host public meeting on Navarre Parkway safety concerns

FDOT to host public meeting on Navarre Parkway safety concerns
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) will hold a public hearing concerning safety improvements to U.S. 98 (State Road 30/Navarre Parkway) at Constitution Drive and Navarre School Road. The hearing will be held Thursday, June 30, 2016 from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. CDT at St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church, 7810 Navarre Parkway, Navarre. The intent … read more
3-vehicle wreck snarls traffic on Highway 98

3-vehicle wreck snarls traffic on Highway 98
Two Gulf Breeze residents escaped injury after they were involved in a crash in Gulf Breeze near the intersection of U.S. Highway 98 and Reserve Boulevard Wednesday at 4:51 p.m. According to the Florida Highway Patrol accident report, Gulf Breeze resident Brian Engle, 48, was attempting to turn left onto Reserve Boulevard off of Hwy. … read more
Cabbie praised for helping stop hit-and-run driver

Cabbie praised for helping stop hit-and-run driver
A Yellow Taxi Cab driver received plenty of praise from Gulf Breeze City Council Monday night after he was recognized for the heroic attempts he took to stop a drunk and stoned driver who hit a 71-year-old pedestrian in front of the Gulf Breeze Proper Publix and then fled the scene of the accident. Eric … read more