Midway FD gives back to elderly fire victim

Midway FD gives back to elderly fire victim
Midway Fire Department is no stranger to going above and beyond. And lately, they’ve been on a roll with their giving. Less than a week after they finished a job one man set out to do and was unable to finish due to a medical emergency, Midway firefighters helped ensure an elderly man, who almost … read more
East Bay/98 lights to go live soon

East Bay/98 lights to go live soon
Crews with Ingram Signalization are wrapping up work on the new traffic signal at the intersection of U.S. Hwy. 98 and East Bay Boulevard in Gulf Breeze. According to Florida Department of Transportation spokeswoman Tanya Branton, the lights are expected to go into “flash mode” soon, and after that, will be turned on permanently. “They’re … read more
Whisper Bay could get new fire hydrants

Whisper Bay could get new fire hydrants
Whisper Bay subdivision residents will soon be able to sleep easier after the City of Gulf Breeze is set to approve utilizing South Santa Rosa Utilities System funds to add fire hydrants to the neighborhood along with plans to replace three aging hydrants within the neighborhood. The city council is set to approve the purchase Tuesday … read more
‘They’ve been through a lot’

‘They’ve been through a lot’
“I’ve never been through a hurricane. I’ve heard the horror stories of Hurricane Ivan. But I still want to step up and help.” Those words came from Kim Jones, a Woodlawn Beach resident who took it upon herself to help rally people together to collect donations to help the Louisiana flood victims. Two weeks ago, … read more
Recycling is back

Recycling is back
After nearly nine months of throwing out recyclables along with trash, recycling service will resume in Santa Rosa County around the end of September. The service was on hold while awaiting construction of a $10.6 million Emerald Coast Utilities Authority recycling facility in Escambia County adjacent to the Perdido Landfill. ECUA handles recyclables for Santa … read more
Above and beyond

Above and beyond
Midway Fire District firefighters went above and beyond the call of duty Monday when they responded to an emergency medical call in Navarre and helped finish a job that one man set out to do. Firefighters and Lifeguard Ambulance were called out to that emergency at home located at the 6400 block of Watermark Cove … read more
RESTORE money could relocate effluent discharge

RESTORE money could relocate effluent discharge
Santa Rosa County Commissioners today approved a recommendation from the county grants departments to apply for roughly $12.3 million in RESTORE funding, specifically nominating five projects aimed for Santa Rosa Sound restoration. The allocation is one of several “pots” of money resulting from 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill recovery funds. The approval process to be … read more
Local lives at site ancestor settled during Civil War

Local lives at site ancestor settled during Civil War
This community history article is brought to you by Navarre Lumber Robert Broxson relocated to Santa Rosa County during the Civil War, and today his great-great-great-great grandson, Danny Hawkins, lives near the site where he first moved. Robert was born in South Caroline in 1812 but by 1842 he had moved to Florida. He relocated … read more
Gulf Breeze named ‘top city’

Gulf Breeze named ‘top city’
The City of Gulf Breeze is known for its well-landscaped medians, excellent schools and inviting atmosphere, but now they have something else to brag about. Zippia.com put Gulf Breeze proper on the top of their list of the 10 most successful cities in Florida. Using poverty level data, median household income information and the area’s … read more
‘We do this for McKinzie’

‘We do this for McKinzie’
Every team has a mascot. And for the Holley-Navarre Professional Firefighters (HNPF), their mascot over the last two years has been McKinzie Snead. The 6-year-old first grader at Holley-Navarre Primary has spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), which robs her of physical strength by affecting her motor nerve cells in the spinal cord. The disease takes away … read more