GB officers save woman from burning home

GB officers save woman from burning home
Sgt. Kerstan Tatro with the Gulf Breeze Police Department is no stranger to heroism. The Gulf Breeze Police Officer went viral after dash cam footage of him being injured during a traffic stop last year made national headlines. Even after recovering from his injury during the traffic stop, Tatro, along with Gulf Breeze Police Officer … read more
Funds secured to improve water quality

Funds secured to improve water quality
Last Thursday, Santa Rosa County Commissioners gave a big thumbs up to direct future funding towards improving the quality and preservation of the Santa Rosa Sound. The vote from commissioners will allow the county to pull money from “pot three” of the RESTORE Act, which they will put toward water quality projects within the county, … read more
City approves Alternative FEMA project for Tiger Point Golf Course

City approves Alternative FEMA project for Tiger Point Golf Course
At Monday night’s Gulf Breeze City Council meeting, council members approved the send-off of their FEMA Alternative Project proposal, which could essentially help bring the Tiger Point Golf Course greens and bunkers on the west end back to life. The city was slated to receive a little over $533,202 from FEMA due to damages incurred … read more
Alcohol sales extension set for approval

Alcohol sales extension set for approval
The City of Gulf Breeze held its first reading at Monday’s City Council meeting on their proposal to extend alcohol sales within the city limits to line the times up with the unincorporated parts of Santa Rosa County. The issue was met with little discussion at the Monday night meeting and expected to be approved … read more
City OKs appraisals

City OKs appraisals
At their Monday night City Council meeting, Gulf Breeze councilmembers approved paying Pensacola-based appraisal company Brantley and Associates Real Estate Appraisal Corporation $8,500 to do three appraisals on Tiger Point Golf Course to get an idea on how much the property is worth. After a local approached the city about a group of investors who … read more
City cuts glass pickup

City cuts glass pickup
The City of Gulf Breeze OK’d temporarily halting glass recycling pickup for its residents after its contracted waste hauler changed recycling venues, forcing them to reject glass from their list of accepted recyclables. Allied Waste, the city’s waste hauler, ceased recycling initiatives last year after the private material recovery facility in Escambia County that they … read more
Chamber budget strained

Chamber budget strained
The loss of around 70 members over the past year has contributed to a budget shortfall for the Navarre Beach Area Chamber of Commerce. The organization’s June 2016 profit and loss statement shows a $45,228.58 year-to-date loss. Linda Fusco, board chairman, noted the organization is still awaiting BP grant money for Fun Fest, which took place … read more
Hot Cup of Tea: July 29, 2016

Hot Cup of Tea: July 29, 2016
I have been involved in politics for a very long time, but I don’t think I have ever seen an election year like this one. I don’t know about you, but on a Federal, State and local level there is an excitement that has taken me on a roller coaster ride that often makes it … read more
City wants appraisal for TPGC

City wants appraisal for TPGC
After receiving a proposal from an ambitious citizen earlier this month to purchase Tiger Point Golf Course, the City of Gulf Breeze is looking to acquire appraisals on the course so they have an idea of how much to negotiate in case an offer comes down the pipeline in the future. At Thursday night’s City … read more
City garbage hauler could cease glass recycling

City garbage hauler could cease glass recycling
The City of Gulf Breeze is expected to temporarily halt glass recycling for residents until their contracted waste hauler can come up with a solution to a recycling issue they ran into late last year. Allied Waste, the city’s waste hauler, ceased recycling initiatives last year after the private material recovery facility in Escambia County … read more