City gets counteroffer on Peyton Building

City gets counteroffer on Peyton Building
The City of Gulf Breeze recently obtained a counteroffer to their counteroffer they sent to J.G. Buehler and Company for the sale of the Peyton Building that sits on the edge of the Gulf Island National Seashore. The building, which has sat vacant for years, was purchased by the city with the intentions to utilize … read more
Evers shakes up election year

Evers shakes up election year
Florida Senator Greg Evers triggered action by other state and local officials this week after announcing Tuesday that he will seek the Congressional seat held by U.S. Rep. Jeff Miller, who isn’t seeking re-election. Evers joins a crowded field of candidates, which includes Florida House District 4 Representative Matt Gaetz, in the race to replace Miller. … read more
Beach renourishment underway

Beach renourishment underway
Wednesday morning large equipment was moved behind Beach Colony West Condominiums on Navarre Beach. It will be used to install a 2,200-foot submerged pipeline from an offshore borrow pit to the shoreline. Weeks Marine, Inc. is performing the $17.4 million renourishment project for the Santa Rosa County Board of County Commissioners, and per a county … read more
Holley-Navarre Water officials concerned about solicitation letters

Holley-Navarre Water officials concerned about solicitation letters
During the April 19 Holley-Navarre Water System board meeting, former president Daryl Lynchard made fellow directors aware of a solicitation letter being sent to local water customers by a Connecticut-based company — not the local utility. The letter from HomeServe USA Repair Management reads “Important Information about Your Water Line” and solicits new customers to … read more
Caring for the past

Caring for the past
Down a winding road in Holley lies an old cemetery on East Bay. A historic church once stood at the site, but after being abandoned for decades, it collapsed following Hurricane Ivan in 2004. Tom White, who lived in Lakeland for around 20 years, visited Holley Point Cemetery when he relocated to the area, and … read more
Navarre Relay for Life tonight

Navarre Relay for Life tonight
Relay for Life of Navarre is proud to present Carnival for a Cure! April 22-23 from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. Come out and enjoy some food, games, and fun. Survivor lap will directly follow opening ceremonies, Luminaria ceremony will begin at 9 p.m. “We can’t wait to Relay with you! Come and help us … read more
City clashes over project

City clashes over project
“Maybe we should slow down.” Those words came from Gulf Breeze City Councilman David Landfair at last Wednesday’s Executive Committee meeting where the city discussed a potential project that could ultimately effect the look and feel of a popular street corner that has never been developed on. The developer for the project, NNGS, LLC had already … read more
City OKs letter to TPO to look into SR399 replacement

City OKs letter to TPO to look into SR399 replacement
At Monday’s City Council meeting, City of Gulf Breeze council members approved sending a request to the Florida-Alabama Transportation Planning Organization to look into the starting phase of replacing the SR399 overpass. The request is asking the FL-AL TPO to consider sending a formal request to the Florida Department of Transportation to have a PD&E … read more
Meters to curb bi-county homelessness

Meters to curb bi-county homelessness
The City of Gulf Breeze is partnering with the EscaRosa Coalition on the Homeless (ECOH) and Leadership Pensacola (LeaP)to erect parking meters in the city limits aimed to help curb homelessness in the bi-county area. Last Wednesday, John Johnson, the executive director for ECOH proposed an idea to the Gulf Breeze city council about erecting … read more
Turtle Power

Turtle Power
A Navarre resident has finished up some last minute touches on her first major public piece of artwork that will sit outside of the Florida Welcome Center in Escambia County over the next year. The piece of art will greet tens of thousands of visitors at the entrance to the welcome center starting on May … read more